Saturday, July 12, 2008

Yahoo Making Moves To Oust Google From Top Slot

SEO news this week comes from Yahoo with their new patents application concerning how search engines find and evaluate keyword phrases on web pages.

Currently, the words you type into a search engine will bring results from every page that have those key words in whether or not they are relevant to the item you are searching for. For example, maybe you are looking for information on Tiger Woods. Yahoo will be able, with the new technology, to assess as a group all the things you are looking for in one search session.

So, instead of throwing up pages about a tiger in the woods, if the search engine gathered other information regarding clubs, golf and green etc then it would be able to narrow it down and work more efficiently.

It is hoped that search engines utilising this software will be able to understand concepts and phrases as opposed to individual words. This should make it much easier to search and find what you are looking for.

As far as the SEO world is concerned, this should make it much easier to make a site SEO friendly, particularly if the key words and phrases are close together on the page. Keywords are one of the most important issues when it comes to making a site SEO friendly. This is what the 'spider' picks up on and what determines your page ranking.

If each page of a website is optimised in this way by SEO specialists, you will enjoy much more popularity when it comes to the new application being used by search engines.

Yahoo have also announced their Yahoo Buzz, now up and running. It will assess searches and for the most popular it will supply a stream of relevant pages on the favourite topic. It could be anything from top news stories to individual blogs and videos. This will emphasise even more the use of good SEO.

Yahoo are hoping there advancements will assist in the competition they have running with Google to be king of the search engines. Google has been known for some time as being top of the search engine rankings and the place that most SEO is concerned with. Despite Yahoo bringing about the first search engine, it is now a recognised phrase to 'Google it' rather that search it.

Google currently own sixty percent of internet searches with Yahoo coming a close second. However, it all comes down to consumer use and, regardless of their abilities, nobody likes to feel they are being monopolised or controlled. Due to this fact, many internet surfers are trying different search engines.

However, business being what it is, it always pays for any company to be as good as they can be for their particular field. And this is the driving force behind Yahoo constantly bringing updates to optimise their service.

While both Google and Yahoo vie to be at the top of the search engine tree, this makes it easier for SEO companies to see where they need to be heading also. Google are quite famous for changing their minds on what is right as far as SEO is concerned, therefore it is an ever evolving game.

At the end of the day, while there are SEO's keeping on top of the game and search engines playing each other for top slot, there are always ways of optimising your site to get the maximum hits.

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